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Showing posts from June, 2016

Relaxing Music Nature Video, Foster Falls #1

Stunning Scenes Rural Retreat Lake, TranquilGeo

Wide Angle Relaxing Lake, Nature Video With After Effect Music Visualizer

Relaxing Video with Peaceful Song.

Slow down and clear the mind

It's good for your mind and body to calm down from the day's stresses. What better to clear the mind of all concerns than a peaceful, beautiful slowly moving river. Recorded at New River in Virginia. I hope this finds you content and happy, with a world full of possibilities.

Soothing River Relaxing Nature Video

A very relaxing, slowly moving river to calm you down, relax you and lower your blood pressure.

Inspiring Nature Video, Duck Watching Through The Foliage, Music Vusualizer

Let's all try to be as social as these ducks here. They accept each other and thrive in numbers. All of Earths creatures could learn a lot from them, especially us upright ones.

Just Before Sunrise Relaxing Video, Rural Retreat Lake TranquilGeo

The moment I started filming this, the ducks started swimming right up to the camera. I couldn't have timed this any better if I had tried. What a great day it was at the lake on such a beautiful morning.

Gorgeious Nature Trail, Ambiant Music Video, Rural Retreat Lake TranquilGeo

Video taken at Rural Retreat Lake in Virginia. This impressive and breathtaking trail goes all the way around the lake, and is one of the prettiest and relaxing places I can imagine. In the video, the first rays of sun are shining through the trees as the morning dew is falling in drops from the tree tops. The ambient music that accompanies the video seems to fit well with the feeling I was experiencing. I hope this brightens your day and gives you a sense of peace and happiness.

4k Jaw Dropping Waterfalls, Relaxing Nature Video for Inner Strength (Tr...

Nothing represents inner strength like water. I learned a very good quote years ago from "Kung Fu The Movie" which sums up my outlook perfectly, which I believe applies nicely to today's relaxation video. 'But do not go in fear, Grasshopper. Fear is eternal darkness. Go instead with inner strength. For it is like a deep river, into which all streams flow. It increases, always moving forward. And soon, there is nothing that can stand in its way.' `Kung Fu the movie

The Magical Time Seperating Night and Day - Relaxing Music Video - Rural...

The magical time which separates night and day, where the fog begins to dissipate and the sun begins to brightening up the earth. It has always signified hope for me, that with a new day brings endless possibilities. I'm hoping that you all hold onto that hope for your dear lives and get any and everything you wish from the day. Recorded at lovely Rural Retreat Lake in Virginia, it was shot with the Panasonic gh4. It's been an amazing camera so far. Stick around and please subscribe, as videos like this, as well as more footage from this lake will be posted in the very near future. I certainly hope your day is a blessed one. Thanks so much for supporting the efforts of TranquilGeo.